
master in telecomunicazioni in fibra ottica e tecnologie foniche


Master in Telecomunicazioni in fibra ottica e tecnologie foniche
Politecnico di Torino- Optical communications are at the core of today’s Internet revolution. Such revolution could not be happening without the ultra-high capacity optical transmission systems and networks that make up the massive backbone infrastructure needed to support it.
In addition, optical systems are currently extending their reach from the backbone to the metropolitan area, all the way to the last mile and to the end-users’ homes.
This is a whole new market that is opening up and that will greatly expand in the coming years. A number of challenging problems will have to be dealt with to support such growth and expansion, regarding transmission techniques, network architectures and design, key optical components and enabling technologies.
The MOCPT aims at providing the student with a comprehensive view of all these aspects.
Its contents are designed to enable the Master graduates to fulfill the cultural requirements set forth by the most advanced companies in the field, also in challenging R&D contexts.

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