master in sistemi e tecnologie per comunicazioni cellulari


Master in Sistemi e tecnologie per comunicazioni cellulari
Politecnico di Torino- Master della III Facoltà di Ingegneria del Politecnico di Torino, organizzato in collaborazione con l'Istituto Superiore Mario Boella. Il Master è rivolto a laureati/e (o possessori di titolo quinquennale equivalente) in Ingegneria dell'Informazione (Elettronica, Telecomunicazioni, Informatica). Il Master mira a formare esperti/e tutto campo nei sistemi di comunicazione wireless, dotati di competenze nei settori delle Reti di comunicazione, della Trasmissione, delle Antenne e dei Componenti, dei Circuiti e Sistemi elettronici. I corsi sono tenuti in lingua inglese.
Wireless communication systems have undergone a fast growth during the last few years, giving rise to a huge support infrastructure.
Further developments of wideband systems are expected to sustain the expansion of this segment of the telecommunication and electronic market, linking it more closely to data communication and Internet world.
In the next future, a substantial amount of skilled personnel will be engaged in running wireless systems both at a network level and in the maintenance and organization of field apparatuses. At the same time, short time-to-market is becoming a must for companies engaged in the development and design of wireless hardware, which requires advanced skills in terms of analog and digital design, but also a broad vision of the wireless world at large.
Finally, openings for new technical positions are expected to experience a substantial growth not only in Europe and in the United States, but also in other areas, like Latin America and Far East, where a fast development in the wireless market is already in progress.
A Master in Wireless Systems and Technology is an effective answer to the work market demands in terms of high level technicians endowed with a broad vision of the wireless world but also with specific skills.

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