
master in economia e istituzioni (mei)


Master in Economia e Istituzioni (MEI)
Università di Tor Vergata- The Master's program in Economics (MEI) is a graduate program aimed at preparing economists for professional work and research. It is also designed to provide one year of intensive training to students interested in joining a Doctoral program in Italy or abroad. All courses are taught in English.
The Master's program in Economics offers a challenging and rigorous academic program, with a distinguished faculty, and a friendly, supportive environment for study.
MEI prepares students for careers as economists in academia, business and government. The program combines rigorous work in economic theory and careful study of real-world problems and institutions. It trains students in theoretical and applied economics at the highest level, through course work, participation in seminars, and supervised research.
The first semester involves Preliminary courses in Calculus, Probability, Statistical inference and Core courses in Microeconomics, Macroeconomics, Introduction to Econometrics and Introduction to Statistical Computing. Students take written examinations at the end of the first semester. The remaining courses in advanced fields of specialization, offered during the second semester, are listed below.

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